Dear Friends of Tufts Baseball,
Thank you for all your support on Giving Tuesday, I am Happy to see that Coach Clarke will doing a lot of walking this month!
As we enter this festive time of year I wanted to bring 2 dates for you to put in your calendar, our Tufts Baseball Alumni Holiday Party will be held on Wed. 12/19 starting at 5:30pm at the PUB

The Pub’s address is 682 Broadway, Somerville, MA 02144. This event has grown over the past few years and is a special opportunity to visit with some good friends at this special time of year. Hope you can find time to drop by. We’ll begin the festivities at 5:30pm and go from there. We are looking for our best turnout yet. We will continue w/ our raffle for some TU Baseball gear as well so arrive early to increase your chances of winning. On behalf of the coaches and players I want to wish you all a healthy and Happy holiday season. See you on the 19th!
Also mark you Calendar for our 1st pitch event in February 22, 2019!!