Loyal and supportive alumni spanning 64 years have lead off 2016 with a good rally, jump starting the Tufts Baseball Diamond Club drive! Alums from 1952 through 2015 including a parent from the class of 2011 are all in the opening day lineup. The 2000's hold 3 spots in the lineup, followed by the 50's, 60's, 80's and 90's with 2 each. The official Diamond Club membership drive begins in February but these aggressive "base stealers" got the early jump start showing great commitment to the program.
This year's opening day Diamond Club lineup:
Ken Fettig '52 Scott DiFiore '92
Rocky Cafiero '54 Joe Murphy '93
Steve Karp '65 Chris Decembrele '07
John Roccio '68 Dale Petrosky '11
John Casey '80 Wade Hauser '14
Bruce Rosen '81
On behalf of Tufts Baseball you couldn't ask for a better opening day lineup!!
Go Jumbos!!!